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Table of contents:

Login page

When you first open dashboard, the login page is displayed.

Login page

After you login, you’re redirected to Overview page


The Overview page provides summarized information about the store. It is the first page that is shown to the user after logging in. The page is divided into two main sections:


Using the icon on the top right, you can display your profile or logout.

There’s a sidebar menu on the left, which is used for navigation and it’s shown on all dashboard pages.
The chapters of documentation correspond to these menu items.

Today’s statistics

For today’s statistics, the following information is shown:


Statistics for the last 30 days

For the last 30 days’ statistics, the following information is shown:



Cart section is used to manage shipping and payment methods that can customers use.
We will describe the both parts in more detail in the following sections.

Shipping methods

Shipping method page displays list of all shipping methods with the following fields:

Shipping method list

There are also 2 action buttons:

Shipping method detail

This page contains detailed info about a shipping method

Shipping method detail

You can edit all of the fields and also add an image (which is shown to customers when they select shipping method). Note that title and description is set individually for each language.
Below, there’s also a table of individual country variants.

This table is editable - you can edit & remove individual rows (using action buttons) as well as add new ones.

Shipping method country

The image above shows that you’re able to edit all fields and select available payment methods as well. In this case we selected all of the 3 available payment methods.

Payment methods

Payment method page displays list of all shipping methods with the following fields:

Note that it looks basically the same as shipping methods page.

Payment method list

There are also 2 action buttons:

Payment method detail

This page contains detailed info about a payment method.

Payment method detail

You can edit all of the fields and also add an image (which is shown to customers when they select payment method). Note that title and description is set individually for each language.
Below, there’s also a table of individual country variants.

This table is editable - you can edit & remove individual rows (using action buttons) as well as add new ones.

Payment method country

The image above shows that you’re able to edit all fields including API request - this way, you’re able to select which code should be executed when the customer is about to pay.
See Payment Gateway integration process section for further information.


The orders page consists of a list showing all orders. The list has the following columns:

Orders list

The actions column contains the following buttons:


Click on the edit button opens the order details page.

Order details

This page shows full information about the order. The page is divided into the following sections:

Order items

This section shows a list of all items in the order. The list has the following columns:

This section also shows the total price (without VAT) of a given order.

Order items


This section shows the current status of the order. The status can be changed by the admin using a drop-down menu.

Order status

Shipping and billing info

This section shows the shipping and billing information of the order. It contains the same information as the shipping and billing information in the checkout process. Information is shown in the form view, and the admin is again able to modify its content (if the order’s status is set to PENDING or PROCESSING)

Shipping info Billing info
Shipping info Billing info

Shipping and payment method

This section shows selected shipping and payment methods along with their prices.

Shipping & payment method

Note that these values cannot be changed.

Order item complaints

If there are any complaints (warranty claim / return requests) for an order item, you’ll see it in Complaints column.

Complaints list

After you click on the complaint detail button, pop-up with complaint details is displayed.

Complaint detail

In this pop-up, all complaint details are displayed, and you’re able to change its status.


The reviews page consists of a list showing all reviews. The list has the following columns:

Reviews list

Review details

This page shows full information about the review and overall rating of the product. The page is divided into the following sections:

Review detail

Average product rating

This section shows the average rating of the product. The rating is shown via start and average score (value from 0 to 5). It also shows the number of reviews for the product and the distribution of ratings. Distribution values are rounded up - this means that if the user submitted a rating of 4.5, it will be shown as 5 in the distribution.


Catalog is the place where you can manage all products and categories. The catalog page consists of:


Attributes are used to define the structure of the product variant. For example, if you want to sell t-shirts, you need to define attributes like size, color, etc. Attributes are then used in the product type to define the structure of the product variant. Attributes are also used in the product variant to define the actual values of the attributes.

Attribute list

Under the attributes section, you can see a list of all attributes. The list has the following columns:

Creating new attribute

To create a new attribute, click on the button in the upper left corner of the attribute table - Add New. You will be redirected to the attribute details page (see Editing attributes).

Editing attribute

To edit an attribute, click on the edit button in the attribute list. This opens the attribute details page. The detail page consists of the following sections:

  1. General information - this section contains the name and unit of the attribute. If you’ve just created the attribute or it has no values, you can change type of attribute (see Attribute types)
  2. Translated fields - this section contains the translated name of the attribute. You can translate the name of the attribute into multiple languages.
  3. Attributes - this section contains the list of values of the attribute. The list has the following columns:
    • Value - the value of the attribute
    • List of languages (if it’s text attribute type) - the value of the attribute in the given language
    • Actions - edit and delete buttons
    • Edit - click on the edit button opens the edit attribute value page (see Editing attribute values)
    • Delete - click on the delete button deletes the attribute value Attribute details

Attribute types

There are three expected type of the value. If you select numerical values, ecoseller recommender system will take care order the values correctly and even determine distances between values. But you can change it only if there are no values for this type. The types are:

Attribute types

Product Types

Product types define the structure of the product. For example, if you want to sell t-shirts, you need to define attributes like size, color, etc. Product types are then used in the product to define the structure of the product variant. Product types are also used in the product variant to define the actual values of the attributes.

Product type list

Under the product types section, you can see a list of all product types. The list has the following columns:

Product type list

Creating new product type

To create a new product type, click on the button in the upper left corner of the product type table - Add New. You will be redirected to the product type details page (see Editing product type).

Editing product type

To edit a product type, click on the edit button in the product type list. This opens the product type details page. Product type details

The detail page consists of the following sections:

  1. General information - this section contains the name of the product type. You’ll see this name in the Product edit page (see Editing product) when you select the product type. It’s not visible in the storefront.
  2. Allowed attributes - this section contains the list of attributes that are allowed in the product type. It’s a dropdown list from which you can select the attributes. You can select multiple attributes. Those are the attribtues that you’ll be able to select in the product edit page (see Editing product) when you select the product type. Product type details
  3. Vat groups - this section contains the list of vat groups that are allowed in the product type. They’re listed in a sections groupped by the country. You need to select Vat group for each country. You can select only one vat group per country. When calculating price incl VAT for each product x country, selected vat group will be used. Product type details


    Products are the core of the catalog. They’re the actual products that are shown in the storefront and their variants, prices, etc.

Product list

Under the products section, you can see a list of all products. The list has the following columns:

Product list

Creating new product

If you want to create a new product, click on the button in the upper right corner above the product table - New product. You will be redirected to the product details page (see Editing product). Product list At this point, you can start setting data fields of the product. Make sure you select the product type first. The product type defines the structure of the product variant and it cannot be changed after the product is created. New product page After you firstly save the product, you’ll be redirected to the product edit page (see Editing product).

Editing product

Editing a product is quite large topic. It’s because the product is the core of the catalog and it has many different fields. The product edit page is divided into multiple sections. Each section is described in the following subsections.

Product edit page

Translated fields

This section contains the translated fields of the product. You can translate:

of the product into your defined languages. Translated fields


This section contains SEO fields of the product. You can set:



This section contains the category of the product. You can select only one category for each product.


Product type

Product type cannot be changed after the product is created. Please see Product types and Q: Why can’t I change product type after I’ve created the product for more information. Product type


This section contains the visibility of the product. You can set:

Product variants

This section contains the product variants of the product. You can add multiple product variants to the product. Each product variant has the following fields:

Product prices

This section contains the prices of the product. It comes from defined price lists in the Localization section. You can set for each SKU and pricelist:

Product media

This section contains the media of the product.

Adding images

You can add multiple media (images) to the product using the Upload button.

Reordering images (setting primary image)

The primary image (shown in the category) is the first image in the list. You can reorder the images by drag and drop. Product media reorder

Deleting images

You can also delete the images by clicking on the Delete icon. Product media

General FAQ about products

Here you can find some general questions about editing products and variants.

Q: What is the difference between product and product variant?

A: Product is a wrapper around multiple product variants. Imagine that you’re selling t-shirts. You have a t-shirt in two sizes (S and M) and two colors (red and blue). This means that you have 4 product variants. But you have only one product. The product is the t-shirt and the product variants are the t-shirt in different sizes and colors. Product variant is what a actually ship from your warehouse. It’s the actual product that the customer buys. In the example above, the product variant is the t-shirt in size S and color red.

Q: Why do I need to create product type?

A: With selected product type at product creation, you can define the structure of the product variant. For example, if you want to sell t-shirts, you need to define attributes like size, color, etc. Product types are then used in the product to define the structure of the product variant. Product types are also used in the product variant to define the actual values of the attributes. So imagine you have product type CLOTHING with attribtues size and color. If your product is type CLOTHING, it’s variants need to define values for size and color attributes.

Q: Why can’t I change product type after I’ve created the product?

A: You can’t change product type after you’ve created the product because the product type defines the structure of the product variant. If you change the product type, you would need to change the structure of the product variant. This would mean that you would need to change the values of the attributes of the product variant.

Q: Why do I need to create product variant?

A: Product variant is what a actually ship from your warehouse. It’s the actual product that the customer buys.


In order to group products into categories, you need to create categories. Categories can be nested - this means that you can create a category and then create a subcategory of that category. You can create as many subcategories as you want. The nesting is not limited. The categories are shown in the storefront in the navigation menu up to the third level of nesting.

Category list

The category list shows all categories in the store. The list has the following columns:

Category list

Creating new category

To create a new category, click on the button in the upper right corner New Category. You will be redirected to the category details page. Now you can follow steps described in the editing category section.

Editing category

To edit a category, click on the edit button in the category list. This opens the category details page.

Category detail

  1. In the Translated fields section, you can:
    1. Edit or add title of the category. The title is required and doesn’t have to unique.
    2. Edit or add slug of the category. Slug is required and has to be unique. The slug is used in the URL of the category page in the storefront and is generated automatically from the title. You can change the slug to anything you want, but it has to be unique. If you change the slug, the URL of the category page in the storefront will change. In order to change the slug, click the button in the right corner of the slug field.
    3. You can also add a description of the category. The description is optional and is in the editorjs format. The description is shown in the storefront on the category page.
  2. In the SEO section, you can:
    1. Edit or add meta title of the category. The meta title is optional and doesn’t have to be unique. The meta title is shown in the browser tab and in the search results. Otherwise, title of the category is shown.
    2. Edit or add meta description of the category. The meta description is optional and doesn’t have to be unique. The meta description is shown in the search results.
  3. In the Parent category section, you can:
    1. Select parent category of the category. The parent category is optional. If you select a parent category, the category will be nested under the parent category. The nesting is not limited. The categories are shown in the storefront in the navigation menu up to the third level of nesting. If you don’t select parent, the category will be a root category.
  4. In the Visibility section, you can:
    1. Select whether the category is published or not. If the category is published, it is visible and browsable in the storefront. If the category is not published, it is not visible and not browsable in the storefront.


The localization part of the dashboard is used to manage country-specific parts of the system. This includes:

Each of these parts has its page in the dashboard. We will describe them in more detail in the following sections.


This page consists of a list showing all countries. The list has the following columns:

To add a new country, click on the Add New button in the upper left corner of the table. This adds a new row to the table. Fill in the code, name, locale and default pricelist of the country and click on the Save icon.

Countries list

Vat Groups

This page consists of a list showing all vat groups. The list has the following columns:

To add a new vat group, click on the Add New button in the upper left corner of the table. This adds a new row to the table. Fill in the vat rate, name, and country, set the default option and click on the Save icon.

Vat groups list

Price Lists

This page consists of a list showing all price lists. The list has the following columns:

To add a new price list, click on the Add New button in the upper left corner of the table. This adds a new row to the table. Fill in the code and currency, set rounding and default option and click on the Save icon.

Price lists list


This page consists of a list showing all currencies. The list has the following columns:

To add a new currency, click on the Add New button in the upper left corner of the table. This adds a new row to the table. Fill in the code and symbol, set the symbol position and click on the Save icon.

Currencies list


This section describes creating and editing pages and menus (of pages). We have two types of pages:

Both pages can be categorized into “menus” - this means that you can create a menu and add pages to it. The menu can then be fetched from the storefront.


The pages page consists of a list showing all pages. The list has the following columns:

Creating a new CMS page

To create a new CMS page, click on the arrow next to Create New Page button in the upper right corner. This opens a drop-down menu with two options:

Editing CMS page

Simply click on the edit icon of the page that you want to edit in the list. This opens a page with the following fields:

CMS page edit

To create a new storefront link, click on the arrow next to Create New Page button in the upper right corner. This opens a drop-down menu with two options:

Simply click on the edit icon of the page that you want to edit in the list. This opens a page with the following fields:

Categories & Types

This page consists of two parts:

Page category type works as a grouping of categories*. It is used to group categories that are used for the same purpose. For example, you can create a page category type called *FOOTER and add categories About us, Contact us and Terms and conditions to it. Then you can use this page category type in the footer of the storefront - since it’s automatically fetched from the dashboard.

Page category type

This section shows a list of all page category types. The list has the following columns:

Page category types

Creating a new category type

In order to create a new page category type, click on the Add category type button in the upper left corner of the table. This adds a new row to the table. Fill in the unique name of the page category type and click on the Save button. Since the Name field is unique and serves as an identifier of the page category type, it cannot be changed thus editing is not allowed.


This section shows a list of all categories. The list has the following columns:


Creating a new category

In order to create a new category, click on the New page category button in the upper left corner of the table. This redirects you to the detail category page. Now follow the steps the same as for editing a category (see Editing a category).

Editing a category

In order to edit a category, click on the edit icon in the table. This redirects you to the detail category page.

  1. Fill in the title of the category
  2. Select the page category type from the drop-down menu. Set the unique code of the category. This code is used to identify the category in the storefront. It is also used to fetch the category as a group. Set the published checkbox. If the category is not published, it will not be shown on the storefront. Then click on the Save button.

Category edit

Users & Roles

This page provides an overview of all users and roles. It is into two main parts:

Users & Roles


This section shows a list of all users. The list has the following columns:

User details

The user details page shows full information about the user. The page is divided into three main parts:

Create user

To create a new user, click on the Add New button in the users list. This opens a new page where the user can set the email and password. Create user


Roles are used to group various permissions into one unit. This plays a crucial role in the authorization process as it restricts access to certain parts of the system. Only the admin or users with the user_change_permission permission can edit the user (for more detailed info about permissions see Authorization page). The system comes with three predefined roles:

Admin counts as a special role that has all permissions. Authorized users can create new roles or edit existing ones.

Create role

To create a new role, click on the Add New button in the roles list. This opens a new page where the user can enter the name of the role, its description and select permissions that will be assigned to the role. Create role

Edit role

To edit an existing role, click on the edit button in the roles list. This opens a new page where the user can edit a description of a given role and select permissions that will be assigned to the role. Edit role

Recommender system

This section of the dashboard contains information regarding the Recommender system. It is divided into 3 pages.

Performance page contains information about the Recommender system’s performance in the selected time window. Users can inspect metrics and other prediction-related information here.


Training page contains information about trainings of all prediction models. Each model can also be scheduled to be re-trained.


Configuration page enables user to configure the Recommender system and its individual models in real-time. Each model can also be disabled.



Users can select time window for which to display performance data.

All metrics are described in the Information section on this page. The default metrics are coverage, hit rate @ $k$ and future hit rate @ $k$.

Performance information

Coverage is the fraction of the product variant catalogue that was recommended, hit rate @ $k$ specifies how often the users click on one of top $k$ recommended product variants. Future hit rate @ $k$ specifies how often users visit one of the top $k$ recommended product variants during the rest of their session.

Number of predictions and their duration is displayed for the user as well.

These statistics are computed for the whole Recommender system (General data) and for each prediction model individually (Model-specific data).


Training page has almost identical layout to the performance page. It enables user to select time window for which to display training data.

The training data are displayed for the whole Recommender system (General data) and for each prediction model individually (Model-specific data).

The data contain number of trainings based on their status (Completed or Failed), duration of the trainings and their memory consumption.

The user can also schedule training of a prediction model, the model is added to the queue of models to be trained.


Some prediction models can not be trained, this information is displayed to the user.


Configuration page contains information about the individual prediction models. Each model can also be disabled in real-time. This list of models contains also information whether the model is available for training (if enough data is present) or whether it does not need any training.

The Recommender system can be configured on this page. The configurable parameters contain retrieval size and ordering size.

Configuration options

Each prediction model can also be configured. Some of the parameters are options that the training algorithm chooses from - it tries all combinations of the parameters and selects the best combination based on the model’s performance. Each parameter has description in a tooltip above a info icon.

Configuration tooltip

The prediction model cascades can be edited on this page as well. Each cascade defines the order of models that is tried when performing the corresponding recommendations. If the first model can not be used, the second is selected and so on.

Configuration cascade

Each cascade can be re-ordered using a drag&drop feature.