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Table of contents:

The following sections will guide you through the core features of the application and help you get started with it using video tutorials.
Please go through the tutorials in the order listed (as they often depend on the previous ones).

In case you want to see all of the ecoseller features, or you just prefer documentation in a textual form, see also

First login to the dashboard

In the following tutorial, you will learn the following:

Setting up localization-related data

This tutorial is focused on setting up localization-related data. You will learn the overall structure of the data and how they relate to each other in the following steps:

Creating your first product category

This tutorial focuses on creating product categories, you’ll learn how to

Creating your first product

This tutorial describes step-by-step how to create your first product.

You’ll learn how to:

Browsing & indexing products

In this tutorial you’ll learn how to