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Table of contents:


When you first open storefront, the homepage is displayed.


There are several components denoted at the image above

  1. Country change button (see Country change)
  2. Category menu - using this menu, you can navigate to individual categories
  3. Search bar - used for searching products
  4. Profile icon - using this icon, you can login or display your profile info and logout (if already logged-in)
  5. Cart icon - after you click on this icon, you’re redirected to the cart

The most common use-cases are described below.

Country change

To change country, firstly click on the country button mentioned above and then select the desired country.

Country change

Best selling products

When you scroll down on homepage, you can see our best selling products.


Product browsing

After you select category in the top menu, you’re redirected to category page


You can filter the products and select their ordering.
Below, there is a grid of products displayed (using pagination).


Each product card shows its

Go to product detail

After you click on product card, product detail page is displayed

Product detail

Product detail page shows product’s

Product detail

Add to cart

In order to add product variant to cart, firstly select its quantity and then click on the Cart button next to it.

At the bottom of the page, you can also see recommended products and product reviews.

Product detail

Creating an order

After you click on the Cart button in the top menu, you’re redirected to Cart detail page.

Cart detail

This page shows all of your cart items including their prices


You can update their quantities or remove them.
Also note that the Cart icon in the top menu contains a badge showing number of items in your cart (cool, right? 😎).

At the bottom, there’s a list of recommended products.

After you select Next, you’re redirected to shipping & billing info page.

Shipping & billing information

Here, you need to specify your shipping and billing information.
If you’re logged in and you’ve saved your billing & shipping info, you can use these saved values. Otherwise, you must fill in the forms.

Cart infos

Shipping & payment method

In the next step, you select firstly the desired shipping method and then payment method as well.

Cart methods

Order summary

In the last step, summary of your order is displayed.

Order summary

To complete the order, you must

  1. Agree with our terms and conditions
  2. Click on Complete order button

Order completed page

After you complete the order, the following page is displayed and you recieve a confirmation email.

Order completed

You can proceed to payment using the link displayed.
Note that currently, it doesn’t work, because no payments are configured. Go to admin section to see a step-by-step guide on how to configure payments.

Log-in & Registration

You can log-in using the profile icon in the top menu.


If you wish to create a new account, use the Sign up link and you’ll be redirected to Registration page.


After you’ve signed up, you can log in using your credentials.

Note: All of the following actions are available only for logged in users

User detail

You can navigate to user detail page using the profile icon.

You can change your password here, as well as set the default billing & shipping information

User detail

User detail

Order list

You can navigate to order list page using the profile icon and then selecting Orders

List of your orders is displayed

Order list

After you click on the Order ID, you’ll be redirected to order detail page.

Order detail page

This page shows detailed info about the given order.

Order detail

Warranty claim / return request

For each item, you can create a request for returning or claim its warranty using the Return, resp. Claim warranty buttons.
Then, a form is displayed.

Warranty claim

After you submit the form, the confirmation page is displayed and an email is sent.

Warranty claim

You’re notified about any updates using the email as well.